These are registrar-scheduled classrooms which are equipped with an instructor station PC and a projector with a large screen or a large-screen display visible from all points in the room. Often, they are equipped with additional features, such as VCRs, DVD players, document cameras, etc.
Lewis Lab 310 -- Full Details and Instructions
Chairs that are _not_ fixed to the floor, and can be moved around the room.
This is a Windows PC usually built into the podium in a High Technology Classroom. Generally, these systems are left powered on, but in a power-saving 'sleep mode'. To wake it, move the mouse, or press the power buttons on both the CPU and monitor. For more information, read the step-by-step instructions below.
-- Also note that all instructor station PCs contain an optical drive capable of reading and writing CDs and DVDs.
-- Also, Please Log Off of the PC when you are done using it.
Start here: This is a touch-activated control panel that activates (powers up) and selects the display, audio and computer equipment in the room. Some touch panels are as large as a computer monitor, and may enter a sleep mode. Tap them to wake them up. For full information, read the step-by-step instructions below.
Please remember to select 'Power Off' before leaving the room.
This is a stand-alone Blu-ray disk player. It is capable of reading Blu-ray disks or DVDs. Controls will be on the touch screen when the device is selected.