These rooms are sponsored by individual departments, or colleges, usually for the purpose of providing that department or college's students with particular software or work environments unavailable at the standard LTS computing sites. It's important to note that any support for using these facilities comes primarily from their host department rather than from LTS teams.
Lewis Lab 207 -- Full Details and Instructions
Facility Type(s):
Student PC -
Qty: 12
Windows PCs, configured for access by Lehigh users. Available software differs depending on the location and site sponsor (LTS or a department). Please see the instruction links below.
Please remember: Always log out of public computers before you leave!
Additional Contacts
In general, please contact the LTS Help Desk at 610-758-4357 (x84357) for any assistance with the rooms or equipment -- they're literally waiting by the phone and can direct your request to appropriate and available staff if they can't help immediately. For more specific questions, or feedback, you can additionally contact the people or departments below: